Friday, January 31, 2014

A new outlook

This weekend, I'm running in the ING Miami Half Marathon. With temperatures in the 70s-80s, I'm not expecting to run anywhere close to a personal best. I've never been to Miami, so at least I get to see another part of the country and mark that off the "places I've been to" list.

The only reason I'm going to this race is because I'm on my company's team, which competes every year in the United States Corporate Athletics Association (USCAA) Marathon Championships. The venue for these championships changes each year, with teams getting an opportunity to vote on where they want to run. The short list for next year's race: Mississippi Blues Marathon (Jackson, MS), Rock n' Roll Phoenix Marathon, Shamrock Marathon (Virginia Beach), Tobacco Road Marathon (Gary, NC) and the National Marathon (Washington, DC). My personal choices were all rejected (Seattle, California International Marathon, & St. Croix). Bummer.

The Albany Marathon on March 1st is my first big goal of the year. I've been plantar fasciitis-free for three weeks, after having suffered with it for nine months, so I don't know if I'll be 100% ready for it. Training has been going relatively well though. Albany will hopefully qualify me for the 2015 Boston Marathon. I'm also running in Boston this year, which would also qualify me for the next year's race (need 3:15, or faster), but I like to give myself multiple options, in the event of undesirable weather conditions at either of those races (I don't do well in the heat). If I don't qualify, then it's difficult to find, and train for, and event before the September registration period.

After Boston, all is uncertain. I had contemplated running in a 70-mile ultra on my birthday in August, but I'll probably only do that if I can't convince a friend, or two, to participate in one of my bucket-list adventures (West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island vs. Glacier National Park).

The ultra I might do:
A video of the ultra I might do:

What I'd rather do:






Which would you do?

I'm leaning more-and-more into doing adventure/hiking/trail running-stuff as opposed to running in organized races. I just don't see how a race can be as rewarding as going off the beaten path and trusting your own navigational skills and ability to survive in extreme conditions in a majestic place. If I don't have any friends who will be running in Boston next year, that may go away as an annual pilgrimage as well. What's the point if you can't share it with someone?

In June, I'm organizing a kayaking trip to Cumberland Island, a barrier Island on the Atlantic coast of Georgia.

Sample itinerary:

7 June- depart Crooked River State Park just after high tide and kayak 6 miles to Plum Orchard mansion on Cumberland Island and setup camp for night

8 June- Early morning, run 33-34 miles around the island, and around noon, kayak back shortly after low tide (DON'T miss the tide, or you may be stuck on the island for a bit longer than anticipated).

Probably the only issue with this trip is that none of the folks who want to go, including myself, have ever kayaked. How hard could it be? I suppose we'll have to learn!

Never heard of Cumberland Island? More info can be found here:

This blog has mostly been an unorganized/unedited rant. I may go back an update it as I see fit.

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